Student Records


1. Parents may inspect and review all material that is incorporated into each student’s cumulative record folder. The data will be kept separately for each student.

2. Each student will have a permanent record card kept for 60 years after leaving school. This record will include student and parent names, address, date and place of birth, academic grades, attendance, health record, and years of school attendance.

3. Each student will have a temporary record that includes basic identifying and family background information; academic records including achievement and scores on state assessments; attendance records; accident reports and health records; record of release of information/disciplinary information especially regarding suspension or expulsion; and special education and psychological evaluation, if given.

4. Parents may review their child’s records and receive a copy according to the procedures stated in district policy by contacting the administration.

5. Parents must grant specific, dated, written consent designating the person to whom records are to be released, the reason for release, and the specific records to be released except:
- Persons authorized by law, provided parents are notified.
- District employees who have educational or administrative interest in the student.
- Court orders

6. When a student graduates, the temporary records are transferred to the high school, which then becomes the custodian of the student’s records.

7. If a student transfers, the temporary records are available to the new district with written parent permission.

8. Notice of a destruction schedule for student permanent/temporary records and the right to request a copy of such records prior to their destruction will be published on our website if a mass destruction is imminent.

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